One among the types of business services that it is always necessary that the business Auto Repair. Because the concurrent development of the times and the current number of car owners are also growing, then it should companies participate automobile industry to develop and compete to be the best to buy and sell this type of service.
Number of private cars currently numbers growing. And increasing also the number Auto Repair, though Auto Repair already standing everywhere but, attempt to open a business this Auto Repair still inviting taste. The argument is more extensive repair business prospects. Because not just enough to know tips on how to care for the car, but the car needs service in the workshop is a must for owners and users. Just make sure you have a bunch of payment methode, like paypal checkout, and do not accept payment from bad credit credit cards.
How to find a business idea
In the midst of intense competition Auto Repair services, you also require to determine what is best for prospecting later. Auto Repair on subscriber typically serve all brands of cars, complete with spare parts, auto accessories and parts, modifications to the exterior and interior of the car, parlor car and repair calls or Auto Repair online. This type of business is the most challenging and very promising when you as the owner is able to manage it well. So the opportunities for starting up of a more specific analysis of the wise. As if having open plan Auto Repair diesel engine, because it is seasoned with a diesel engine components.
Auto Repair business success tips
Tips for successful business Auto Repair But do not be discouraged if my friend here sdchamberaction not enough capital to open a business Auto Repair as above.
But do not be discouraged if my friend here sdchamberaction not enough capital to open a business Auto Repair like above. Success was not fate inherent in some people or “derivatives” because the parents are wealthy, but according to sdchamberaction here; Success is a choice, it all depends how strong you pray, be patient and try. Well, for it must know exactly how much ability and “Power” you have. Because this will be the basis and foundation to build future business workshop. As an example; You are an expert auto matic, and if it wants to compete with the official Auto Repair honda in Bandung, Tangerang, Jakarta and equal other major cities, may not be able to open it but not yet.
With such criteria should you begin open Auto Repair matic, which will be developed according to ability and capability. The next step is selecting a name that is able to attract the customer, and should be adjusted to the location of the location, or the service you provide, perhaps car matic as above and is located in Jakarta, then you can choose the name of the workshop: Auto Repair Matic South Jakarta, or other appropriate your wish.
To initiate this effort Auto Repair there that look like you need to learn many things berakaitan with a car breakdown. For example, disassembling, assessing and interpreting the details of the cost of repair or service the car up the way oil change. For those of you who graduate school workshop, it will support your efforts. Look for workshop purposes supplier that can provide some quality goods at prices that are not too expensive. Looking for skilled workers also in improving the car as well as friendly to the customer. Generally, a mechanic who already has a name, has an influence on the arrival of customers. Customers generally will slide into the garage where the mechanic worked. Senior mechanic’s wages reach Rp 2 million per month. And that’s not including meal money. If your mechanic nice work, customers generally menitip money guide.
Lease business premises Auto Repair
Looking for a place to a place of business is indeed not easy. If the region has been popular, selling or contract value of light is very high. If capital is not enough, you can partner with who has a passing way of results. Generally, to finally 50% -50% or 40% -60%.
There are many obstacles that you will encounter when doing this business. Because of these efforts have mushroomed everywhere, to the possibility of going to a little profit opportunity. The high price of spare parts, can also affect the value of income from your efforts.
How Success & Business Strategy Auto Repair
Tip effort you should do is a good relationship with the consumer, about cleanliness, neatness and comfort, also the result of the service, keep the fabric is also best with the whole business partners, promote your workshop to the companies. Offers a monthly service payment system for employees with discounted prices.
Details of the cost of business Auto Repair
Auto Repair capital to open a business can reach Rp 100 million. Capital that can be used to rent space, buy keys, auto parts and other equipment repair business. This repair business can benefit up to Rp 20 million – Rp 40 million per month. after cut operational funds with a record of your workshop attended 30 cars in one day. Revenues were very tempting. For payments to suppliers of parts can generally be delayed until 5 monthly.
Simple Tips
The above is an open business tips Auto Repair car from that may be useful for my friend here. In an effort would not be able to escape the risk, and if you are confident with open plan Auto Repair, then please re-analysis of the following are some important points; venture capital, vision and mission, the trick will be in use, the prospect of rental location businesses Auto Repair, the business strategy Auto Repair, preparation, organization structure of business Auto Repair (if it were needed) including management, equipment and recall the background / destination you want to pioneering efforts Auto Repair to pep up. But if you are just a car owner, thank you’ve come to read and you can find out tips on how to care for the car.