Be Ready for Anything on the Road

By definition, an accident isn’t something you can anticipate and get ready for. But since an irresponsible driver, killer pothole, or weather emergency could be just around the corner, it doesn’t hurt to make some preparations you’ll hopefully never have to use.

Insurance Info

Make sure you have your auto insurance agent’s name and phone number somewhere in your car or wallet so it’s ready to exchange if you get in a fender-bender or worse. Keep a small notebook and a pen in the glove compartment for writing down the other person’s information and any other observations about the event you may want to share with your insurer or the police.

Help on Hand

Along with your insurer’s information, keep the name of your mechanic handy as well, so you’ll know where to have your car towed if necessary. Knowing which auto body shop you’d want to use is also wise. Do a search for an auto body shop near me, ask your mechanic for a recommendation, or find out what shop your insurance company prefers.

Tool Time

A tool kit that can help you make minor repairs or change a tire is a helpful item to have onboard. Of course, that only works if you know how to do those repairs yourself safely; if not, your insurance or auto club may have a service that will come out on demand and save you the trouble.

Weather Prep

If you live in an area that’s prone to the kind of severe weather that makes driving difficult, be sure to have the things you’ll need in that kind of crisis along for the ride. Better to have a shovel, road salt, chains, food, water, and other emergency supplies cluttering up your trunk than not have them when they’re needed.

Knowing you’re equipped for any eventuality can make you a more careful, confident driver. Preparation beats panic every time.